Explore the benefits of Threadlift, a non-surgical facelift to rejuvenate your appearance with minimal downtime.
Facial plastic
Explore facial plastic surgeries with Dr. Kristin Egan, enhancing natural beauty through tailored procedures and expert care.
Facial Plastic Surgeries: Enhancing Your Natural Beauty
Face Lift surgery or rhytidectomy is a surgical procedure designed to improve visible signs of again in the face and neck. Many different variations on this procedure ranging from shorter procedures, the mini face lift, which do not require general anesthesia and enable a quicker recovery and return to work […]
Facial Rejuvenation Surgery

Eyelid surgery is also known as blepharoplasty and involves removing and/or redistributing skin and fat in both the upper and lower eyelids. Eyelid surgery improves the appearance of the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both, and gives a rejuvenated appearance to the upper face. Eyelid surgery is performed for both […]
Eyelid Rejuvenation Surgery

Neck surgery is also known as a neck lift, facelift, platysmaplasty, or cervicoplasty. Neck surgery helps to restore a tight, youthful appearance to skin under the chin and neck area which has become saggy. This procedure is often known as face lift surgery. If you have jowls or fatty deposits […]
Surgical Rejuvenation of the Neck

Ear surgery can involve many different procedures. One type is referred to as otoplasty and involves setting back the ears and reducing how far the ears project off the head. This is commonly performed on children before they enter kindergarten and are subjected to peer ridicule. Patients are able to […]
Cosmetic Ear Surgery

Cheek surgery is also known as cheek augmentation surgery or cheek implant surgery. Cheek implants add fullness and definition to the cheeks restoring a more youthful profile by increasing the projection of the cheekbones. Elevating the cheekbones gives the face a new sense of symmetry as well as elevated all […]
Cheek Enhancement Surgery

Chin surgery is also known as chin augmentation, mentoplasty and genioplasty. Chin surgery is a procedure to reshape the chin either by enhancement with a chin implant or reduction surgery on the bone. The chin can also be moved via cuts in the bone to slide it forward. If you […]
Cosmetic Chin Surgery

Our lips are often a focus of our appearance as we use them to speak, to eat, and to kiss. With time, lips can lose volume and appear thinner and can develop lines around them due to the action of our lip muscles. Many surgical procedures have been designed to […]
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