New Patient Paperwork
Postoperative instructions
- Blepharoplasty
- Browlift & Forehead lift
- Flap & graft
- Rhytidectomy
- Rhinoplasty
- Sinus and Nasal Surgery
- Thyroid
- Tonsillectomy
- Pre laser instructions
- Post laser instructions
- Pre chemical peel instructions
- Post chemical peel instructions
- Post Asclera instructions
Precautions to take
- Medicines to avoid before/after surgery
- Epistaxis: things you can do to prevent nosebleeds
- Migraine headaches: foods to avoid to help relieve
- Acid reflux: things you can do to help relieve GERD
General information
- Meniere’s disease: information and treatment
- Scars: How they heal, and how you can help with healing
- TMJ Regimen: What you can do to relieve TMJ pain
- Chemical Peel questionnaire