Dr. Kristin Egan MD FACS

Cheek surgery is also known as cheek augmentation surgery or cheek implant surgery.  Cheek implants add fullness and definition to the cheeks restoring a more youthful profile by increasing the projection of the cheekbones.  Elevating the cheekbones gives the face a new sense of symmetry as well as elevated all […]

Cheek Enhancement Surgery

Chin surgery is also known as chin augmentation, mentoplasty and genioplasty.  Chin surgery is a procedure to reshape the chin either by enhancement with a chin implant or reduction surgery on the bone.  The chin can also be moved via cuts in the bone to slide it forward.  If you […]

Cosmetic Chin Surgery

Our lips are often a focus of our appearance as we use them to speak, to eat, and to kiss.  With time, lips can lose volume and appear thinner and can develop lines around them due to the action of our lip muscles.  Many surgical procedures have been designed to […]

Lip Enhancement Surgery

Thyroid surgery is also known as thyroidectomy which means the removal of all or part of the thyroid gland.  In most cases, this is performed to remove a cancer, cyst, or other mass.  This procedure requires general anesthesia and monitoring of nerves around the thyroid. Often patients will need to […]

Thyroid Surgery

Ear Tube surgery is also known as myringotomy tubes and involves placing a ventilation tube in the eardrum to relieve pressure and fluid which frequently gets infected.  Ear Tube surgery is commonly done for children who have frequent ear infections.  This procedure serves to allow the fluid to drain properly. […]

Ear Tube surgery

Tonsil surgery is also known as tonsillectomy or tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy.  It is commonly performed for children but many adults also benefit from this surgery.  Patients who have multiple infections of their tonsils or sleeping disorders are good candidates for this surgery.  Also, many adults have trouble swallowing, bad breath, […]

Tonsil Surgery

Sinus surgery is designed for those patients who suffer from multiple sinus infections.  This type of surgery creates larger openings through which the sinuses can drain.  Sinus Surgery is also know as Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) and is performed through the openings of the nose.  It does not require […]

Sinus surgery

Brow Lift Surgery is designed to return your brows to a youthful position and appearance.  With time, gravity and the muscles of the forehead serve to pull the brows down toward the eye creating a tired and haggard look.  By elevating the brows surgically, the eyes are opened up and […]

Surgical Rejuvenation of the Brow

Nose surgery or rhinoplasty can improve the appearance and proportion of your nose, enhancing facial harmony and self-confidence.  Rhinoplasty can also involve the straightening of a deviated septum, or inside, of the nose which is known as septoplasty or septorhinoplasty. Nose surgery can be done as a cosmetic enhancement or […]

Nose Surgery